Me Me Me

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Long Distance Relationships* my story

Hi guys!
So, today I thought that I could chat with you about a very common problem nowadays: LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS! I am here to tell you my story, and I hope I can help you in this matter, giving you some advice and showing you how your story can have a beautiful happy ending.

First things first, my situation:
Me and my boyfriend are together for almost six years (yes, it seems a life time!), and the majority of those years, we were separated. Since 2012, he is studying at Bragança's University, here in Portugal, but it is 5/6 hours away from me, from were we both live. 
I remember very clearly the night we both discovered that he had to go away... It was a very sad night. I thought that my life was ruined, as the relationship. But, thank God, everything went well, and as planned. 
I discovered that, if we wanted to, we could be together and happy. He tries to come home to see me every weekend (so cute!) and I try to go there every month or every two months (I can't go more often because of my job).

So, I will give you some tips, that could help in the "TRANSITION PERIOD":
(the "transition period" is the time in which you are getting used to it)

1. Be positive: that is a very important part of the process. Everything starts in you, and if you are negative, bad things can appear more often. Stay positive, think about all the good things and nice moments of your relationship. That will help a lot, trust me!

2. Surround yourself with friends: having support is crucial! If you tell your friends your situation, they will help you, and be your shoulder to cry when you need. You will feel more safe and confident. 

3. Keep showing your love towards him: dispite the distance, you are in love, you are boyfriend and girlfriend. Cute text messages are welcome, use Skype and Facebook to contact. Say "I love you" every day. He needs to hear you like you need his cuddles. Tell him your day so he can feel that he is part of your life, as always. Show that nothing has changed!

4. Write a diary or take pictures everyday: if you keep all the nice moments of your life, you can share them with him after. He will appreciate that very much.

5. Don't be afraid to miss him: if you feel sad, it's normal. He is far away and you miss him, that is totally fine. You should accept it and tell him that you miss him. He will support you as you support him. You are one, remember that!

In my personal opinion, long distance relationships are difficult to bare but it is so worth it! When the day comes, and you see him coming back to you, it is the best feeling ever! This September, my boyfriend went away for the fourth time (fourth year) and it was not easy. Every year is as hard, or more hard, than the before. But I believe we are strong, and I believe are love is strong! We are going to survive this and be happy. If he is reading this: BABY, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I MISS YOU!

So, that is all for today!
I know it is a very sad theme to talk about but, nowadays, it is such a common thing. I hope my story can inspire you and help you being more positive about this problem.
If you have any more questions or if you want to ask me anything about my relationship and how we are going, ask me here, or in my INSTAGRAM or TWITTER.
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We love you, thank you so much for your support.

XO, the Blue Girls*